Saturday, September 24, 2011

Octomom: Afraid? Impossible!

Dear World!

I was so looking forward to watching Jenna Wikler get her ass handed to her tomorrow night in Springfield, MA. Not that I was actually going to go - those tickets were really expensive and I would have had to travel from NYC and then even pay for a hotel because I don't know anyone in Springfield - WHO DOES??? No one, that's who. So I was going to wait & see it on YouTube and plus, I read that it was going to be put up on by the Mardi Gras Gentleman's Club, which was the venue.

I suppose I'll still be watching the fight, but sadly only two women are fighting Octomom now, Patty Petite and Deanna Superior. Jenna Wikler is not a contestant anymore. I would put all the details here except I don't know them. All I know is that all of these Ladies she was the most buff and I heard rumors that she trained with a former Real Life Boxer, so all I can think is that Octomom got afraid.

But there was also that thing where Damon was mad at her for calling him a name and complaining that she didn't want to sell tickets for him. I can't take a position on that because I don't know why she would have to sell tickets, or why she wouldn't want to anyway. I mean I wouldn't want to, but that's from my personal morals against selling things. I prefer to give things away! What goes around comes around.

Well she was disqualified, according to a Source who asked to please stay Anonymous. This source only told me that she was told not to come and Damon didn't want  her around and he felt like she was questioning his integrity. I have one thing to say to her and one thing only: you have ripped off everyone who paid $30 to see three women fight and now there will only be two! And also, if it's true you were training, that's against your agreement because they specifically asked for women with No Boxing Experience allowed!!! And one more thing, what were you thinking hurting the reputation of a man suffering from a very personal and private case of Brain Damage????????????????

Well, I say to Damon: chin up. Don't worry about people being mad. People will be glad she didn't come, because who wants to see Octomom fail? I mean besides everyone. But it sure wouldn't have made a good fight for her to get knocked out in the first round. And also, Damon, you are a true and Bona Fide Hero of Epic Proportions because even though SOME PERSON refused to sell tickets, you agreed to donate a thousand dollars anyway. And I know for a fact that this is above and beyond the call of duty, because you specifically were very careful to never commit to anything and were vague when anyone asked you about the money for the Tornado Relief. Because if the girls didn't sell enough tickets that money has to come out of your own pocket! It's a tragedy. You have little mouths to feed called Children.

My Anonymous source said something about Jenna Wikler getting mad because Patty Petite was saying publicly and on the news that the fight was for a good cause, and that was misleading if it really wasn't for a good cause at all. Most Reasonable People would realize that no one expects any money to actually go to the Cause, and even if it did, even if it was TWO thousand dollars it wouldn't make a tiny little dent in what is needed to relieve the suffering from the tornado, so don't expect miracles! It was a way to get people to come, and it would have worked if Someone hadn't gone and suggested (in a leaked email) that it was a scam. The same Someone complained about the rigged fights but I am telling you, who cares? You are a total retarded idiot if you expect the fights to be, like, regulation or something. Like Damon rightfully says ALL THE TIME, it's a NOVELTY fight and that means anything goes and it's all in good fun! You can't expect rules to be followed, because there are no rules.

And this is a NOVELTY blog because it's all in good fun, even though it is so heartfelt because of the heartbreak of Brain Damage and especially the poignancy of how he doesn't even talk about it. People would like him so much better if they knew. He'd be a celebrity boxing hero instead of getting called names. It just shows what a true Hero he is that he doesn't even use it for an excuse when it would be totally justified.

My personal opinion is that he should be more open about it, because it would stop a lot of the ridicule in its tracks. It's one thing to be a grown man who is in the public eye but can hardly read or write. It's another thing when the fact that he can't read or write is not his fault at all (except for that he put himself in the Ring and everyone knows there's a risk of Brain Damage from boxing. That is why I will never be a boxer, ever!!!) He could get sympathy but instead he braves the waters of public opinion all on his own without revealing his handicap.

I have to reveal it here, and talk about it openly, because I just can't take it watching how much people pick on him and they don't know what they're doing. I still haven't talked about what it's like to have Traumatic Brain Injury but I happen to know a LOT about it because of personal experience with a family member and that is my next blog entry so stay tuned!!!

And Jenna Wikler good luck ever getting anyone to think about boxing you again! You suck. You should have not complained, and gone out in the street and done whatever it took to sell a lot of tickets, because that is the only way that Damon can make his money back, especially now that you forced him to commit to a whole thousand dollars. He wouldn't have had to do that if you hadn't been a total beeee-yotch! So there.

Damon Feldman, though I would never sleep with you EVER, I am in your corner and on your side, both. If you ever need someone to stand up for you on the news or something you can count on me to be your Champion because I am full of Peace, Love, and Understanding. Which is apparently very rare.

P.S. My Source thought it could be because Octomom was afraid, because why would Damon care if some dumb girl is mad at him for something that's not his fault. But I have seen Octomom and she has Fists of Fury and there's no way she'd be afraid of anything EVER! She had 8 kids at once after all. I would be afraid of exploding if that happened to me, and I'd be afraid to box even if it was against total losers wearing big novelty gloves. She's not afraid of anything at all, ever. I'm sure of that because if she was she would go into hiding. I am right, as always!

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