Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Damon Feldman Can Kick Your ASS!!! (But he'll probably just sue it.)

People should know better than to mess with Damon Feldman. Nobody walks away from that without suffering a little consequences! Not even the sidewalk he tripped & fell on, which he credits for ending his boxing career (he doesn't like to talk about That Fateful Day in the Ring that caused his brain damage.) He sued that sidewalk's ASS and WON!!! I'm not even lying. He didn't win a lot of money though, because I guess the judge didn't really think he would have had a big bright future as "The Jewish Bomber". So loss of future earnings didn't make him rich.

So he moved on to bigger and brighter things, suing Jose Canseco for trying to play him for a fool (what kind of fool do they think he is, anyway?) by sending his twin brother in to fight in his place.

But he's not just suing the people what done him wrong! He will also sue anybody who calls him a bad name, such as "sleaze". And don't think just because you're the in the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) that he'll let you off easy!!!!!!!!!!!!

So there it is. Now, if I could give Damon Feldman advice I'd suggest maybe he stop acting certain ways that get labeled by people a certain way and then he gets upset and has to sue them. But it wouldn't do any good to advise him, because with Traumatic Brain Injury there is no more learning. He can't change and he can't stop being how he is. The only thing there is to do is for everybody to clear out of his path and if he makes you mad, just suck it up and don't say a word! Because if he sues you, just consider yourself lucky he didn't kick your ass, because he's a HUGE GUY!!! And if he didn't have a bad back he probably would kick your ass seriously for real.

If any of these lawsuits ever get finished I hope we can find out if it's a good way to make a living. Because it's clear he's counting on it as his primary source of income. So don't be fooled when he goes and upsets you. Don't be a chump and react! You'll be making him rich. And the really sad thing is he needs the money because of child support payments. So you won't even be able to feel bad that it's going to a bad cause because it's actually going to feed and clothe helpless little children!

Damon Feldman may be challenged but he's got a plan and you don't want to mess with that.

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