Sunday, September 11, 2011

Octomom Opponent Back-Stabs Damon: NOT IN MY BACK YARD!

Hello World,

Wow, the world of Celebrity Boxing is so riddled with angry people! But one of them, at least, wasn't expecting to have to explain herself better. But now she will. Have you all seen this?

Jenna Wikler rants on about poor Damon, heartlessly

I have contacted this girl for an exclusive interview because if she thinks she's so great that she can go around back-stabbing Damon Feldman behind his back, instead of facing him in the Ring like a real fighter, she can do it to my face right here on this blog! That's right World, Jenna Wikler now has to answer to ME!!!!!!

Among the other questions readers want to know: If she thinks he sucks so bad, why did she sign on in the first place? Also, does she really think she can beat Octomom? Also, does she understand that Damon Feldman has FEELINGS just like anybody else? I will be letting her know that whether she knew it or not, she called names to someone with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and that is like kicking someone when they're down, as well as backstabbing!!!

Coming soon: The Tragedy of Living with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

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