Tuesday, September 27, 2011

All's Well That Ends Well

Hi There World,

I guess Damon's career and reputation didn't actually get hurt badly at all by that unfortunate remark that came from the person who then was No Longer a Celebrity Boxing Opponent! Look here, Damon Feldman is doing Just Fine.

Everybody's happy! Amy Fischer and Octomom are now a lesbian couple! (Just Kidding.) Michael Lohan and Damon Feldman are best best best friends again!!!! And there was no press, good or bad, about last Saturday night's fight in Springfield. He was all sore and of Hurt Feelings, but guess what, it was all in his Brain Damaged Imagination. Nobody actually cared what anybody said about anybody.

I hope this does not mean the end of my purpose in Life. Well to be honest I have much much more purpose than just standing up for Damon Feldman, but this Blog doesn't. If he keeps doing ok all oh his own without my support, I'm going to have to find some other pitiful Cause and start a whole new blog. I am lazy though, and Damon's like a malformed puppy I'm trying to save from being Euthanized, so I'm attached to the Cause of him and I really hope I don't have to give it up!!! I love Damon Feldman.

But he doesn't even know I exist! I bet he'd be so happy if he knew he was not all Alone out there!

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